Climate Emergency


Non-urgent advice: Our Pledge


The NHS accounts for 4% of the entire countries carbon footprint. We therefore have an essential role in leading the way to reduce our climate impact. The NHS was the first healthcare system to target Net-Zero with an aim of achieving this by 2040. At Tyntesfield Medical Group we hope that we can reach this target earlier and have set a pledge to become Net Zero by 2035.

Climate change and health care are intimately intertwined as often good health care improves the environment and vice versa. Take the example of inhalers. Good asthma care improves peoples wellbeing but also means that they rely on less inhalers which reduces their environmental impact.

We have three zones below that I hope will be added to overtime and give you more information

We have a climate action group who are working hard to make small and large changes to Tyntesfield Medical Group to engage staff and promote climate action. As a team we are working towards our Green Impact for Health awards which recognise practices who are trying to improve their sustainability. More information can be found here  Green Impact for Health | Green Impact | Students Organising for Sustainability ( We hope that together we can have a positive impact on the environment, those in the community and our staff.

If you would like to work with us please do contact us.

Non-urgent advice: Recycle

Unopened, unused, and out-of-date medicines should be returned to pharmacies for disposal.

The cardboard box that houses the blister packs can be recycled, as can any paper inserts.

Inhalers should not be put in the waste bin as they contain gases which are harmful to the environment. Instead, they can be recycled at any of our sites, there are new recycling units in the reception.  


Recycling Inhalers

Non-urgent advice: Reduce

A staggering £300 million pounds of medication is estimated to be wasted every year.   

Here are some ways you can help reduce wastage, save money and save carbon.

Check your medicines BEFORE you leave the pharmacy.  If you find unwanted medicines before you leave the building they can be returned and issued to someone else.  If they are taken home before being returned they have to be DESTROYED.

Only tick the medicines you need when you order. Medicines you don’t tick will STILL BE ON THE FORM next time for you to order then. 

Do not reorder medicines unless you have LESS THAN 2 WEEKS supply left.  If you need to order early for a holiday – please add an explanatory note.

Always finish your current containers before opening new ones.

NEVER order medicines you no longer use or need.

If you stop taking a medicine please LET YOUR DOCTOR OR PHARMACIST KNOW

If you are taking a medicine you don’t believe is helping your condition don’t just stop it.  Please DISCUSS  your concerns with your GP. 

If you are using a medicine less frequently than previously prescribed – please TELL your GP as the quantity of tablets can be reduced to reduce stockpiling.

Remember please NEVER FLUSH MEDICINES DOWN THE TOILET.   This goes straight into the water supply and is very damaging to wildlife.   Medicines should be returned to your pharmacist for safe disposal.

Non-urgent advice: Respond

We are embedding climate change in everyday services, making it a standing item at strategic meetings and encouraging all staff to consider the impact of decisions being made on the environment.

We are working hard to improve how our staff travel to work. Please consider if you could walk , cycle or take public transport to any of your appointments.

We have moved to a green energy supply, these supplies are often the same, or cheaper than other providers but guarantee your energy comes from renewable sources such as wind or solar.